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 / Tea 101

What is Bai Mu Dan (Peony White) tea?

What is Bai Mu Dan (Peony White) tea? Peony White tea, also known as Bai Mu Dan, is a variety of white tea that originated in China in the 1870s. Like the famous Silver Needle white tea (Baihao Yinzhen), which is made only from young tea buds, Peony White tea...

 / Tea 101

Tea Drinking in China: A Long-Standing Tradition

Tea Drinking in China: A Long-Standing Tradition  The origin of tea traces back to the ancient Chinese. The tradition of drinking tea has been recorded in China over 3,000 years ago. In ancient times, it was believed that drinking tea gives one strength and courage to face life's challenges. Today,...

 / Tea 101

A brief history of the popular English Afternoon Tea

Tea has been a favourite drink among the English since the fashionable Queen Catherine of Braganza first introduced it to polite society. It is said that when she arrived in England from Portugal to marry King Charles II in 1662 she brought with her a casket of tea and used...

 / Tea 101

A brief introduction of Taiwan High Mountain Oolong

Origin High mountain tea refers to the varieties of Oolong tea which are cultivated in the mountains of central Taiwan. They can be traced back to the cultivars who brought them back from mainland China in the late eighteenth century. They are also known as Gaoshan Chai or Gaoshan tea....

 / Tea 101

What is Taiwanese Oolong/Milk Oolong tea?

Jin Xuan tea, also known as Taiwanese Oolong or Milk Oolong tea, originates, as the name suggests, from Taiwan, but it has grown in popularity worldwide due to its unique flavor and creaminess. It was developed in the early 1980s at the Taiwan Tea Experiment Station (TTES) by Wu Zhenduo,...

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