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What are the basic teawares used in a traditional matcha ceremony?

What are the basic teawares used in a traditional matcha ceremony?

Unique teaware is mandatory for the proper preparation of matcha. While other teas can be prepared and enjoyed with little more than a teapot, the drink, a cup, and some hot water, matcha requires a few more accoutrements.

Tea bowl or chawan is the traditional receptacle for the tea to be whisked. The designs can vary, but often earthenware with a rustic design or with imperfections are prized.

Tea whisk or chasen, this item is one of the most important as it helps actually to whisk, whip, froth and break the clumps of the tea. It is a bamboo stem with a series of small bamboo spokes.

A teaspoon or chashaku is a bamboo scoop that serves the purpose of measuring and serving the matcha into the chawan.

 Tea caddy or natsume is the particular container for the matcha tea.

Tea cloth or chakin is a small cotton cloth that is used to tidy up the tea area after the ceremony.

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